Ranking among the architectural sights of Yalta is the building of Armenian Church constructed by the architect Gabo Ter-Mikelov after the drafts of the Armenian painter, graphic artist, stage designer Vardeges Surenyants (1860-1921) in the style of the Armenian national architecture of early Middle Ages. The painting of the church`s dome was done by Surenyants. The church was constructed in 1909-1914. It resembles an old church of St. Ripsime (618 A. D.) in Echmiadzin monastery in Vagarshapat (Armenia) - the first capital of Armenia Middle Ages state. The artist, Armenian ethnicity originally, he knew English, Italian, Spanish, Russian, German, French, Turkish and Persian languages and was a talanted translator.
In 1960th of Soviet time the Archeological Museum was organized here. Several scenes of several movies were produced here also. After Soviet Union collaps in 1991 Armenian Church was renovated again.
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